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XP until Level 50

Until now, Pokémon GO has had 40 Levels. Well, we'll go beyond! Next to Special Research Tasks we will have to gain XP (Experience Points) again. In this overview you find the amount of XP you have to gather - for each new level and in total!

Level XP Total XP
40 20.000.000
41 6.000.000 26.000.000
42 7.500.000 33.500.000
43 9.000.000 42.500.000
44 11.000.000 53.500.000
45 13.000.000 66.500.000
46 15.500.000 82.000.000
47 18.000.000 100.000.000
48 21.000.000 121.000.000
49 25.000.000 146.000.000
50 30.000.000 176.000.000
= 156.000.000

As you can see: The XP grind isn't over yet! We have a long way to go!